1203. 漂泊半世 看盡世態 / 鄭瑞雄 / 03/2018/Autobiography/自傳

漂泊半世 看盡世態

作者 鄭瑞雄




I went to the United States in July, 1966. After working for 32 years as a pathologist, I retired in December, 1998. My retirement was short-lived. I went back to Taiwan starting my second career only one year after I retired. I worked at Sun-Yat Sen Cancer Center for almost 10 years, and retired again, but it did not last longer than one year. I started my third career at St Mary’s Hospital, in Loudong, Yilan, because they need a pathologist very badly. Time flies, six years have gone by. Looking back the past since I graduated from medical school, I spent 32 years in the States, and two years in Saudi Arabia, and then returned to my native country for 16 years. In this half century of my life time, I was like Gypsy moving around, or like duckweed floating on the water. In the US, I lived in 7 states, and moved 9 times. Moving has broadened my life experience, and made me gain knowledge. My good friend, Wu Chun-Yu, knew I have published two books, and encouraged me to write a third one about my moving experience. After lengthy consideration, I decided to do it in a different fashion. In each city we lived or visited, we took myriads of photos. I retrieved those photos, and select representative ones, and group them into chapters according to cities. On each photo, I wrote a short footnote, and what have happened then have been depicted in the photo itself. Perhaps, it is worthier than thousand words.

During the process of retrieving the photos from my collection, I found out many were accidently lost when my wife was remolding the old house in Las Vegas. Kemin went to school at Harvard University, and had resident training in Boston. I visited Boston many times, and had taken a lot of pictures, but I could found only three pictures of Kemin’s graduation ceremony. Stephen and his wife had resident training  in Houston, and my first granddaughter was born there, I couldn’s find any photos. What a regreat! After selecting the photos to be used, I had to scan them and converted them to digital files. What a time consuming event! The reason I added English version in the book is that I hope my descendent will be able to read this book, understand the meaning of the footsteps their ancestor left behind in the cities they have lived, and the places they have travelled, and pick up some Taiwanese cultural heritage.


   目錄 (Table of contents)

  • 推薦序Foreword

1.人生精彩的留念     陳永興

(Wonderful memories of life) Yong Sing Chen, M.D.

前聖母醫院院長 現任民報文化基金會董事長

Former superintendent of St Mary Hospital, Loudong.  Chairman, board of directors, People News Culture Foundation.

2.一個温馨美好的記錄 李汝城

( A warm and memorable records) Ju-Chen Lee, M.D., retired board certified ENT specialist in USA.


Former President of the Greater New York District Taiwan Medical Association

  • 自序preface
  1. 出國留學( Study abroad)。
  2. 新倫敦( New London, Connecticut)。
  3. 紐約市 (New York City)。
  4. 匹玆堡 (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)。
  5. 雙子城————–密尼斯達州 (Twins city, Minnesota)。
  6. 密瓦爾基———–威斯康辛州 (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)。
  7. 出國後第一次回台省親 (First home visit since I left for US) 。
  8. 蓋瑞城————–印弟安那州 ( Gary, Indiana)。
  9. 沙鳥地阿垃伯 (Saudi Arabia)。
  10. 拉斯維加斯 (Las Vegas))。
  11. 逸民和惠惠婚禮 (Stephen and Susa Hsu’s wedding)。
  12. 介民和珣珣婚禮 (Kemin and Susan Young’s wedding)。
  13. 雷諾城————-內華達州 (Reno, Nevada)。
  14. 阿拉斯加 (Alaska)。
  15. 大峽谷 (Grand Canyon)。
  16. 邁阿密 (Miami)。
  17. 南達科達州的羅斯摩爾山國家公園 (Mt Rushmore National Park in South Dakota)
  18. 黃石國家公園 (Yellow stone National Park) 。
  19. 聖地牙哥——加州。(San Diego, California) 。
  20. 夏威夷 (Hawaii)。
  21. 波斯頓和休斯頓 (Boston and Houston) 。
  22. 第一次回台灣服務於和信治癌中心。(First time came back to Taiwan, working at Sun Yat-San Cancer Center)
  23. 職業生涯的終點站——羅東聖母醫院 (My last career at St Mary Hospital, Loudong, Yilan


Published in 03/2018

Donated by Dr. J. Tsung 03/2018

Posted in 03/2018