Samuel Lin 林雲郎Artistic Director / Conductor
Samuel Lin is a graduate of the National Taiwan Academy of Arts, majoring in vocal. He received his Master of Music Arts degree in Conducting conferred by Roger Wagner Center of Choral Studies at California State University in Los Angeles. In addition to studying choral conducting with Dr. William Belan and the esteemed Dr. Roger Wagner, he also studied under Dr. Robert Fowells, Dr. Donald Neuen and Dr. Paul Salamunovich.
Under his leadership, the youth choir participated in the International Youth Music Festival in Vienna, Austria in 1988. In 1992, he led the demo-singing group representing the U.S. West region in the Hawaii seminar organized by the American Choral Musician Association. In his direction, the Los Angeles Chinese Chorale accomplished the Taiwan concert tour and performed at the famed Taipei National Theatre; participated in the International Choral Festival in Innsbruck, Austria in 2001, and received the silver medal awarded by the International Folksong Choral Competition in Barcelona, Spain this September. In July 2009, he was invited by Tokoha Gakuen Educational Institute and Shizuoka City to lead the Chamber Choir of the San Gabriel Valley Children Chorus to participate in the “Japan International Youth Musicale” music & Culture exchange event.
In the past 30 years, Mr. Lin has dedicated himself to arranging music, educating and conducting choral groups. He founded the LACA Music Foundation in 1994 and serves as the current president of the board. He is the conductor of the East Valley Evangelical Formosan Church Choir, Los Angeles Chinese Chorale, Los Angeles Chinese Christian Chorale, Southern California Senior Chorus, San Gabriel Valley Children’s Chorus, and East Valley Children’s Chorus.
Mr. Lin has been invited as the guest professor by the Singapore Theological Seminary, as the youth choir director in the Evangelical Alliance Mission Conference at Sydney, Australia, and as the guest conductor for the local choruses in San Francisco, Malaysia, etc… He is frequently invited as the choral clinician and competition jury by both the children and adult choirs.
畢業於國立藝專,主修聲樂,深造於加州州立大學華格納合唱研究所,專攻合唱指揮,獲碩士學位,除師事 Dr. William Belan 外,並追隨已故合唱大師 Dr. Roger Wagner。畢業後,繼續在 Dr. Donald Neuen(UCLA教授),指導下研習合唱音樂 及指揮藝術,並在 Dr. Fowell、Mr. Bartok(巴黎歌劇院男童合唱團指揮)、Mr. George Bragg(前德州男童合唱團指揮)指導下研習兒童合唱。 1988年林君帶領合唱團參加在維也納舉行的國際青年節,1992年指揮合唱團在美國夏威夷舉行的美國合唱團指揮協會西區大會中示範演唱,1997年帶領洛杉磯華人合唱團赴台灣舉行巡迴演唱會,並在國家音樂廳演出,2001年6月帶領洛杉磯華人合唱團赴奧地利Innsbruck參加國際音樂節,2007年 9月赴西班牙參加國際合唱比賽獲銀牌獎。2009年7月帶領「南加兒童合唱團」室內合唱隊應邀參加日本靜崗第十一屆「日本靜岡國際青少年音樂節」。 林君於1994年創設洛華音樂基金會並任董事長,目前擔任東安台福教會詩班、洛杉磯華人合唱團、洛杉磯華人聖樂團 、 南加州忘年合唱團、南加州兒童合唱團及東安兒童合唱團指揮。除經常應邀指揮南加州華人合唱團體外,並曾應邀至新加坡神學院擔任客席講師,至澳洲雪梨擔任世界聖樂促進會指導青少年合唱團研習會講師,並至舊金山、馬來西亞等地客席指揮當地合唱團,及應邀擔任音樂比賽評審及合唱訓練講習。
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