146. Alex Hsuan-Yu Lee 李軒宇, Violinist/2015/02

Alex Hsuan-Yu Lee  李軒宇, Violinist


Born in Taiwan, Alex Hsuan-Yu Lee is a young accomplished violinist and conductor both in Taiwan and United States. He has held several recitals in Taipei city and has served as the soloist with Taipei Chi-Yen Symphony Orchestra and National Taiwan Normal University New Music Ensemble. Mr. Lee got degrees from NTNU and is now the Doctoral Candidate at University of North Texas. He is presently the conductor of Dallas Asian American Youth Orchestra and teaches violin at Dowell Middle School and McKinney Boyd High School.

出生於台灣 小提琴及指揮家李軒宇先生目前為美國活躍於古典音樂演出的青年音樂家 李軒宇曾於台北舉辧多場個人獨奏會並曾與台北奇岩交響樂團及師大新音樂 樂團演奏協奏曲 畢業於國立台灣師範大學音樂系 李軒宇目前為美國北德州大學音樂博士候選人並任教小提琴於北德州地區多所中學及高中。

源自 達拉斯台灣婦女會

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post in 08/2016