462. Stephanie Wan-Hsiu Lan 藍婉修 / 2015/06 June 28, 2015 user Who's Who Name 藍婉修 Stephanie Wan-Hsiu Lan Birth Year Birth Place 台灣 First year, first city and state arrived in the U.S. Address Family 1. Husband: 2. Daughter: 3. Son: Education 1. 台北藝術大學 B.S. Music 2. California State University, Los Angeles 2003 M.S. Piano performance Employment 1.California State University, Los Angeles 客席講師 Accomplishment Publication(Non-professional ones) Hobby Website or Blog Related Posts:2322. Billy Chang 張宣信833. A tribute to our “ 貴人(Benefactor)” Chung-Hsiu…880. 台東小孩昔日赴美洗碗賺學費 李明東62歲拚上索諾瑪州立大學校長 | 06/2023903. 142年首見 台裔唐泰芮成洛杉磯時報首位女總編 | 04/2024904. Carlsbad man uses family’s Taiwanese farming…