56. Frank Hsieh 謝明志, Pianist/2014/10

Frank Hsieh 謝明志, Pianist

Frank Hsieh 謝明志Pianist Dr. Frank Hsieh, a native of Taiwan, enjoys a diverse musical career as an active instructor, performer, and adjudicator. As an experienced performer, he have been performing regularly at numerous places in a wide variety of forms such as solo, chamber, concerto, accompanying and lecture recitals across US, Europe and Asia. He has studied with many world-renowned artists such as Gabriel Chodos, Robert Hamilton, Rayna Barroll- Aschaf- fenburg, Caio Pagano and Stewart Gordon. During his early years, Dr. Hsieh studied piano performance and composition at National Institute of Arts in Taipei, Taiwan. Later he was offered a full-tuition scholarship to study at Arizona State University where he received both his Bachelor and Master degrees in Piano Performance. He also completed a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Piano Performance at University of Southern California. While studying at USC he served as an assistant lecturer in the Keyboard Studies Department teaching individual and group piano lessons as well as keyboard functional skills. Dr. Hsieh is currently an assistant professor at National Chiao Tung University in Hsinchu, Taiwan. In addition to his teaching and performing careers, Dr. Hsieh has been frequently invited as an adjudicator in many music competitions and auditions throughout the nation.

來自台灣新竹的鋼琴家謝明志博士是一位非常活耀的音樂演奏家和音樂教育工作者。他的演奏足跡遍及亞洲、歐 洲及美洲,不論在獨奏或是室内樂都有非常傑出的表現。他的演奏銓釋敏銳細腻,且他充滿感性及個人魅力的音樂 風格常廣受觀眾的喜愛與好評。旅美期間且曾榮獲American Prot e g e International Competition for Piano and Violin 專業首樂家組首獎並獲邀紐約卡内基廳演出。他曾師事的鋼琴演奏大師包括Gabriel Chodos、Robert Hamilton、Rayna Barroll-AschafFenburg> Dr. Caio Pagano and Dr.StewartGordon。在台灣求學期間自光仁高中畢業後即以優異的成績考進 國立藝術學院(今國立台北藝術大學)音樂系主修鋼琴和理論作曲,師事鋼琴家洪澄滢和作曲家馬水龍與潘世姬。隨 後赴美深造獲得亞歷桑納州立大學(Arizona State University)音樂系董事會全額獎學金並取得鋼琴演奏學士和碩士學 位。之後到南加大桑頓音樂學院(University of Southern California Thronton School of Music)取得鋼琴演奏博士學位。 在南加大求學期間曾受聘擔任助理講師,教授鋼琴、樂理與鍵盤和聲。在旅美期間所培育的學生在全美各大比賽皆 有優秀的成績。除了他熱愛的演奏和教學外,他也常出席擔任音樂比賽的評審,他曾是美國加州教師協會(MusicTe- acher AssociationofCalifornia)鋼琴檢定及比賽專任評委。2010年回國後致力於表演與音樂教學,目前任被於國立交通 大學音樂研究所以及通識教育中心、國立聯合大學和元智大學通識教育中心,以及國立新竹高級中學音樂實驗班。

For more bio-information, please click link in who’s who: 1112. Frank Hsieh 謝明志