56. 陳家榮JIA-RHON CHEN /2015/11




1940  生於台灣雲林

1965  國立台灣大學醫學院畢業

1967-72 先後於美國接受小兒科、內科及腦神經內科専業訓練

1973  起任紐約布魯克林榮總醫院腦科主治醫師


1975 於曼哈頓藝術中心舉行紐約首次個展

1980 紐約林考特畫廊

1984 紐約聖若望大學

1984 台北阿波羅畫廊

1985 台北台塑大樓

1987 紐約自由港紀念圖書館

1987 高雄山水藝術館

1987 台北春之藝術

1988 台北市立美術館

1991 台北阿波羅畫廊

1991 台中省立美術館

1992 台北泰德畫廊

1993 台北泰德畫廊

1994 台北市立美術舘

1995 高雄積禪50 藝術空間

1996 美国纽约聖約翰大学

2000 美國纽约蘇荷區威克舍畫廊

2002 美国纽约喬喜區色朗畫廊

2003 美国纽约恊和藝廊

2017 生命之喜悅-陳家榮醫師七十五年創作回顧展 (封面藝術家-陳家榮)


1985 國立台灣大學醫院基礎醫學大樓兩件巨幅油畫作品:「疾病」、「疾病之征服」。

1987 高雄醫學院勵志大樓巨幅油畫作品:「熱帶醫學」。

1988 彰化秀傳紀念醫院巨幅油畫作品:「追求理想」。

1988 台北林口長庚醫學院大樓巨幅油畫作品:「癌症之征服」

1991 台大醫院大廳巨幅油畫作品:「生之源」。

1996 美国紐約艾㟂斯特醫院:”新生命”


1981 紐約奧圖邦藝術家協會第二十九屆年展。

1982 美國粉彩學會第十屆年展。

1984 美國粉彩學會第十二屆年展。

1986 美國粉彩學會第十四屆年展及會員展。

1987 美國迪嘉粉彩學會第一屆年展。

2014 美国纽约皇后美術舘台美文藝協會創會展


Eleanor Heartney, a contributing editor to Art in America and author of Critical Condition:  American Culture at Crossroads,wrote of Jia-Rhon Chen’s artworks:  ” Dr. Chen blends bold color and cubistic  forms which might be seen as part of  his western inheritance with sure quick brush strokes that hark back to the tradition of Asian calligraphy.  This mixing of reference is evident in other works which perform a similar operation on the landscape of Taiwan, transforming it into a kaleidoscopic vision of movement and change….

Synthesizing his multiple perspectives as physician and artist, as Taiwanese native and New York resident, and as heir to Western modernism and Asian tradition, Dr. Chen offers an art which seems suspended in a place beyond literal space and time.  He simultaneously sends us ahead to the future and back to the primordial past,all the while reminding us that the life force is the condition which makes everything possible.”

In the “Lovers”, we sense two faces come together as one, in various moods.  On the left, the man become part of a landscape, cliffs facing a big void. The head piece of the lady becomes a stage of the Taiwanese puppets show. What is going on in her shirt is totally up to the imaginations of the viewer.


1940 Born in Yin-Lin, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1965 Received M.D. Degree from National Taiwan University Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1967-73 Received specialized training in Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, and Neurol­ogy in U.S.A.

1973-2010 As staff physician of Neurology service, Veterans’ Administration Medical Center, Brooklyn, N.Y., U.S.A.

1991-2015 Chairman of the Board of Directors, Formosa Cham­ber Music Society, Inc.

1995-1997 President, National Taiwan University Alumni Associ­ation, Greater New York Chapter

2001-2003 President, National Taiwan University Medical Col­lege Alumni Association, Greater New York Chapter

2003-2005 Chairman of the Board of Directors, National Taiwan University Medical Col­lege Alumni Association of North America


1975 Manhattan Art & Antique Center, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.

1980 Lynn Kottler Galleries, New York, N.Y.,U.S.A.

1984 ST. John’s University, N.Y., U.S.A.

1984 Apollo Art Gallery Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1985 Formosa Plastic Group, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1987 Freeport Memorial Library, N.Y., U.S.A.

1987 Shan-Sui Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1987 Spring Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1988 Taipei Fine Arts Museum Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1991 Apollo Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1991 Taiwan Museum of Art, Taichung, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1992 Tai Te Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

1993 Tai Te Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan

1994 Taipei Fine Art Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan

1995 G. Zen 50 Art Gallery, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

1996 St. John’s University, New York

2000 Walter Wickiser Gallery, New York City

2002 Caelum Gallery, New York City

2003 Crystal Art Gallery, Flushing, NY



1985 MALADY and VICTORY OVER DISEASES installed at National Taiwan University Medical College.

1987 TROPICAL DISEASES installed at Kaohsiung Medical College, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1988 QUEST FOR IDEAL installed at Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1988 VICTORY OVER CANCER installed at Chang Gung Medical College, Lin-Kou, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1991 THE CREATION installed at Taita Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

1994  The Resuuection Series: 1. The Source. 2. The Force. 3. The Rerection. 1994, oil on   canvas, each 49″x109″.  The Research Center for Preventive Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan.

1996 New Life .  1994, oil on canvas, 70×240″ , Elmhurst Medical Center, NY



1981 39th Annual Exhibition, Audubon Artists, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.

1982 l0th Annual Exhibition, The Pastel Society of America, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.

1984 12th Annual Exhibition, The Pastel Society of America, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.

1986 14th Annual Exhibition, The Pastel Society of America, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.

1987 1st Annual Exhibition, Degas Pastel Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A.

2014 Taiwanese American Arts Council, Queens Museum, NYC


The Grand Piano,大鋼琴,Pastel 粉彩 1998, 28X40 (Music Series 音乐系列)The Grand Piano 大鋼琴, 28 x 40″,Pastel 粉彩 1998

Lovers 情人 (Lovers Series 情人系列)Oil 油畫 2005? 50x37Lovers 情人,50 x 37″,Oil 油畫 2005

Taiwanese Farmers 農家 Pastel on Paper 粉彩 1985 ,25.5 x 19.5Taiwanese Farmers 農家,25.5 x 19.5″,Pastel on Paper 粉彩 1985

Music Fantasy 紐約狂想曲(New York Series)Pastel 粉彩 2000,27.5 x 22.5Music Fantasy 紐約狂想曲,27.5 x 22.5″,Pastel 粉彩 2000

Joy of Life (Family Portrait) 生命的喜悅 Oil on Canvas 油畫 36 x 48 1974Joy of Life (Family Portrait) 生命的喜悅,36 x 48″,Oil on Canvas 油畫1974


“生之源”:Creation, 9 m x 7 m,Oil on Canvas 油畫1990

畫面由上而下,以造物主之頂冠開出一片天窗,分四面撒下生之源泉,分別為科技創造、分子成長、胚胎孕育及文明星積。總結於下方,以時間之舟回歸於「孕」。 他所要表達的是人生過程有悲歡離合、生老病死,如此生生循環不息。生命永存,尊嚴的面對生死,則心充滿生之喜悅。

源自 黃春英

For more bio information, please click link in Who’s Who : 707. JIA-RHON CHEN 陳家榮