119. Melody Kuo 郭雋律, Pianist / 2015/01

Melody Kuo 郭雋律,  Pianist

郭雋律 2

Dr. Melody Kuo received her degree of Doctor of Musical Arts, Master of Music, both in Piano Performance from the University of Southern California. Her other field of studies included Accompanying and Church Music.  She was awarded in many major competitions, and was the scholarship recipient of various major music foundations such as Dr. Ewart Williams, Helen Bailey Schiavo, etc…   She has toured many cities in the United States and Taiwan as a soloist, chamber music player and choir accompanist.  She is currently the pianist of the Chinese Christian Chorale of Los Angeles, an adjudicator for the Southwestern Youth Music Festival Competition, Music Teachers’ Association of California Certificate of Merit exams, member of the Pi Kappa Lamba National Music Society, and the Vice President of the Los Angeles Branch of MTAC.  She is also an adjunct professor at the Logos Evangelical Seminary, and Truth Theological Seminary.

鋼琴家 : 郭雋律 畢業於南加州大學、獲鋼琴演奏音樂博士學位,師事 James  Bonn、Robert Ward、Alan Smith、及 Adam Wibrowsky 教授,副修鋼琴伴奏和教會音樂學。曾就讀光仁小學、中學音樂班,皆以成績最高分畢業,主修鋼琴,副修大提琴。郭老師有許多獨奏、伴奏及室內樂演奏經驗。曾任南加大合唱團伴奏,與南加大管弦樂團演出、參與北美文協室內樂樂團,二度在美國巡迴演出、曾為蕭泰然作品錄製鋼琴演奏曲目、曾應邀回台灣,於台北國家音 樂廳演出「貝多芬合唱幻想曲」。

獲獎的比賽包括台北、全台灣比賽、Helen Bailey Schiavo 獎學金、Bach Festival、MTAC Young Pianist、Brentwood 協奏曲比賽、Dr. Ewart Williams 獎學金、Roger Williams 鋼琴比賽、Joanna Hodges 協奏曲比賽、簡呂秀美獎學金等。於博士畢業時,獲選為國家音樂榮譽會會員。現任洛杉磯華人聖樂團伴奏,加州音樂教師洛杉磯協會副會長及每年度之檢定考試和 SYMF 比賽評審,並任教於正道福音神學院、真道神學院 。

源自 郭雋音