Yvonne Yifang Wang 王亦凡, Violinist
Dr. Yvonne Yifang Wang, violinist born in Taoyuan, Taiwan, grew up in music as both her parents are music teachers. She has played violin since age of four and won various competitions ever since. With outstanding performing skills, she entered top music department at Soochou University in 1996. After graduating from college, she continued to improve her playing performance and learned with Dr. Chin Kim, prize winner at the Concours Musical International Reine Elisabeth de Belgique. After two years of vigorous study, she received her Master of Music from Mannes College of Music. During her stay in New York City, she seized every performing opportunity to advance her skills, such as playing in the master classes given by Onion String Quartet and Michael Gilbert, Principal Associate Concertmaster of New York Philharmonic, and Yoko Takebe, member of New York Philharmonic. In 2002,she received full scholarship and pursued her Doctor of Musical Arts under Dr. Rachel Vetter Huang at Claremont Graduate University in Southern California and completed her study in 2008.
Yvonne has been invited to play in many events held in Japan, Korea, Malaysia, and Canada since childhood. At her age of thirteen, she represented Taiwan to perform Mendelssohn Violin Concerto on the goodwill trip to Singapore. In recent years, she has devoted herself to chamber music, especially those well-known pieces by Taiwanese. She hopes that she can contribute to the introduction and spread of Taiwanese music and culture and continues the rich Taiwanese legacy in the United States.
Yvonne currently resides in Southern California and is a member of National Guild of Piano and Music Teachers’ Association of California. She also administers string education and teaches at Rhapsody School of Music. Besides her daily work on music education, she actively participates and performs at many events held by Sam-Gup-Suei, Taiwan Elite Alliance, The Kee-Jen Education of Arts Foundation, and Rhapsody Trio.
王亦凡,台灣桃園人,由於父母都是音樂老師的緣故,從小就在一個充滿音樂的環境中長大。四歲開始習琴,於各種比 賽中嶄露頭角,曾師事於蘇顯達、徐錫隆、王彥華、沈英良等。1996年畢業於桃園武陵高中並保送東吳大學音樂系, 2000年由黃維明老師的指導下畢業於私立東吳大學音樂系,並於同年進入紐約Mannes Collage of Music攻讀碩士,於伊 麗莎白大賽得主Chin Kim的指導下於2002年完成碩士學位。在校期間所屬的室內樂團曾參加Onion String Quartet大 師班,並接受前紐約愛樂副首席Michael Gilbert以及現任紐約愛樂團員Yoko Takebe指導,並於2002年以額獎學金進入加州 Claremont Graduate University 就讀,在 Dr. Rachel Vetter Huang 的指導下,於 2008 年完成博士(Doctor of Musical Arts)學位。
王亦凡2011年由雅砌唱片公司發行第一張《狂想三重奏同名專輯》,並以狂想三重奏之名,由維他露基金會、家庭 扶助中心、美國加州音樂教師協會及華府台灣文化中心主辦,於台灣及美國演出九場系列巡迴音樂會,深受好評,獲 得廣大樂迷相當大的迴想;並將於2013發行第二張專輯《Emotions》。多次受邀於日本、韓國、新加坡、馬來西亞、 加拿大等國家演出,更於13歲就代表國家與樂團合作Mendelssohn violin concerto於新加坡進行親善訪問。近年致力 發展於室內樂的演出,多次受邀參與南加州各大演出,與多位知名國內作曲家合作,希望能將國人優秀的作品更加發揚 光大。
現定居於南加州,現任美苜樂教師協會(National Guild of Piano)、美國加州音樂教師協會(Music Teachers’ Association of California)會員;並任教於Rhapsody音樂學校(Rhapsody School of Music)並任絃樂總監、美國六桂文 教基金會、山合水工作坊(Sam-Gup-Suei)、優社(Taiwan Elite Alliance)、呂泉生文教基金會(The Kee-Jen Education of Arts Foundation)常駐小提琴家;狂想三重奏(Rhapsody Trio)小提琴演奏家;除了固定演出以知也專注於小提琴的教 學,希望能以正確的態度和理念教育出更多優秀的音樂人才。