219. Szu-Ning Tai戴思寧, Harpist / 2015/06

Szu-Ning Tai 戴思寧, Harpist

戴思寧Szu-Ning Tai Taiwanese Harpist, Currently serves as teaching assistant at Boston University College of Fine harp department. Szu-Ning Tai holds her Bachelors degree from Soochew Univerity (Taiwan), and Master of Music degree from Boston University, where she currently receives merit scholarship to keep pursuing Doctor Musical Art Degree in Harp Performance.

She has performed actively with ensembles around Great Boston area including The Amherst Symphony Orchestra, Boston University Symphony Orchestra, Boston University Wind Ensemble, Boston University Opera Institute, The Fine Arts Chorale, New England Repertory Orchestra, she also has been a featured harpist by works from composers Deborah Henson Conant (Boston) and Max Stem (Israel).Also, as a member of Taiwan Harpist Association, she gave recitals throughout Taiwan as soloist and as featured harpist with Taipei Symphony Orchestra and Yinqi Symphony Orchestra.

She also performed in master classes led by Nancy Allen (New York Philharmonic), Deborah Hoffman (Metropolitan Opera), Elizabeth Hainen (Philadelphia Orchestra), Gretchen Van Hoesen (Pittsburgh Symphony), June Han(Yale), Han-Ann Liu (Munich Philharmoic), Nicolas Tulliez (France Radio Philharmonic) and Isabelle Perrin (Normal School of Music, Paris)

Deeply loving and caring about the community, she regularly plays music in churches and assistive living community; she introduces and gives free harp pedagogy to rural area in Taiwan for kids who could not afford music education.

 戴思寧1989年出生於台北,從小在教會長大,有多次上台演出經驗,在教會擔任司琴,12歲開始接觸豎琴,於2005年師事台灣藝術大學 張稚君教授,2006年師事國家交響樂團豎琴首席、師範大學解瑄教授,2006年於新店高中普通班音樂會演出豎琴獨奏,2007年考入東吳大學音樂系,師事巴黎高等國立音樂院畢業的洪綺鎂教授。2008年4月協演張涵雯豎琴獨奏會,11月接受美國伊利諾大學豎琴教授 Ann Yeung 指導,同年與東吳大學樂團於表演藝術中心松誼廳演出震撼雙溪,與協助演出作曲組同學發表豎琴與單簧管曲目,2009年3月接受德國知名豎琴演奏家 Giselle Boeters 指導,同年4月與東吳大學音樂係管弦樂團於國家音樂廳演奏雙溪樂響,2009年5月於東吳大學管弦樂團雲林音樂會演出。2009年6月舉辦豎琴與長號聯合音樂會,同年10月參加全國豎琴聯盟賽。2010年2月前往美國,先後接受了美國曼哈頓音樂院教授 Deborah Hoffman,琵琶第音樂院 Ruth Inglefield,費城交響樂團豎琴首席家 Elizabeth Hainen,耶魯大學豎琴教授 June Han 親自指導。 


Source from TCC Taiwan Night Concert 2015