427. Sue Chen 陳禹辛 / 2015/05 May 24, 2015 user Who's Who Name 陳禹辛 Sue Chen Birth Year – Birth Place 台灣台中 First year, first city and state arrived in the U.S. – Address – Family 1. Husband:- 2. Daughter:- 3. Son:- Education 1. 東吳大學 B.A. 會計系 2. 路易斯安那州立大學 M.S.電腦 Employment 1. Transamerica Financial Advisors Inc. 投資理財服務 2. AXA Advisors Financial advisor Accomplishment 1. 北美洲台灣婦女會新澤西州副會長 2. 北澤西台灣同鄉會會長 Publication(Non-professional ones) – Hobby 1. 唱歌,網球 – Website or Blog – Related Posts:2322. Billy Chang 張宣信384. A Year-end Message from the Founding Director…893. Albert Chen(陳敏祐) to receive 2023 Sachem Award | 12/2023385. Grand Opening of the Center for Taiwan Studies…880. 台東小孩昔日赴美洗碗賺學費 李明東62歲拚上索諾瑪州立大學校長 | 06/2023