54. Quei-Lih Chen 陳瑰麗, Pianist/2014/10

Quei-Lih Chen陳瑰麗, Pianist

Quei-Lih Chen

Pianist Quei-Lih Chen, a native of Tainan, Taiwan, made her first public appearance at the age of 13 with Tainan Junior Symphony Orchestra performing Mozart Piano Concert no. 23,K488 under the baton of Maestro Chao- Ming Cheng. Subsequently, she went to the United States to further her studies at the Peabody Conservatory of the Johns Hopkins University, where she received her Bachelor and Master of Music degrees. She also gained exposure to chamber music with Samuel Sanders during her five years at the Peabody. She was a first prizewinner of Elizabeth Davis Piano Competition in Washington D.C. and consequently was invited to join the Friday Morning Club as a performing member. She later was granted a full scholarship into the University of Southern California to continue her studies with Daniel Pollack. In 2001,she received her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Piano Perfor¬mance with Instrumental Conducting and Piano Accompanying minors.

Over the years, Ms. Chen has frequently performed in many cities in the United States and Taiwan. One of the highlights was the Taiwan premiere of the Yellow River Piano Concerto with Taipei county Symphony Orchestra, which was televised through PBS in Taiwan. In 1995 upon the US premiere of Tyzen Hsiao’s Toccata at the Princ¬eton University, the New Jersey Star Ledger praised her performance: “••• with great force and brio, her interpre¬tive gifts and keen sense of color informing another piece that hopefully will be heard many more times.”

In the fall of 2008, Ms. Chen returned to her homeland Taiwan to serve as a faculty member at Tainan University of Technology, Tainan Theological College and Seminary and Chang Jung University. She also serves as the president at the Tainan Music Teachers’Association.

鋼琴家陳瑰麗,祖籍澎湖,出生於台南市。十三歲首度登台與台南青少年管弦樂團演出莫札特第二十三號鋼琴 協奏曲(K.488)。後赴美就讀約翰霍普金斯大學所屬的Peabody音樂學院,先後獲得鋼琴演奏學士與碩士學位。在 校期間參加於美國華射舉行的Elizabeth Davis鋼琴比賽榮獲首獎,因而受邀參加頗負盛名的音樂組織Friday Morning Club,做為其演奏會員。爾後獲鋼琴家Daniel Pollack之推薦,以全額獎學金進入南加州大學(USC),並取得南加 大音樂藝術鋼琴演奏博士學位。

陳瑰麗在美期間經常受邀到各地演出,其中包括紐澤西州Princeton大學、紐約州Cornell大學、加州Pomona大學、 加州LaSiera大學、加州Judaism大學、洛杉礎音樂中心(Dorothy Chandler Pavilion ),加州聖荷西市政府…等地, 其中於紐澤西Princeton大學為蕭泰然的觸技曲做北美首演,紐澤西大報”The Star Ledger “的樂評Peter Spencer稱讃 她的演出「極富震撼力」,推崇她「對樂曲具有敏感的銓釋賦稟」。並曾與名指揮家廖年賦教授合作,台灣首演「 黃河鋼琴協奏曲」,經公共電視做實況轉播。除了獨奏及室內樂演奏之外,還致力於鋼琴教學。她曾是美國加州音 樂教師協會的理事委員與奏鳴曲比賽的創辦人及負責人。



2013年6, 7月多場台南藝術節演出










2009年9月國立台灣文學館特別系列「閱讀文學.展演女性」中的活動「展現女性特質的音樂饗宴」國立臺灣交響樂 圑室內樂圑音樂會

2009年5、6月,為配合美國台灣人聯合基金會「名家演奏系列」之邀及美國太平洋亞美人傳統月,舉行了五場跨台、 美兩國的巡迴獨奏會,並接受美國洛杉機公共電視台LA18的專訪。

陳瑰麗目前任教於台南應用科技大學音樂系、台南神學院音樂系、長榮大學及朝陽科技大學通識教育中心。同時於 2013年開始擔任台南市音樂教師學會的理事長。