Cindy Chen陳欣意, harpist
陳欣意五歲由劉家壽老師啟蒙鋼琴。隨後考進光仁中學音樂班。在光仁中學期間學科及術科皆表現優異。民國74年出國留學,進入洛杉磯藝術高中,常常代表校方在外演出。並於民國77年贏得美國青年藝術家協奏曲冠軍。同年獲得獎學金進入印第安那大學(Indiana University, Bloomington)師事豎琴大師Susann McDoanld。在大學期間曾代表台灣參加在巴黎舉辦的世界豎琴大會中表演,並利用暑假和著名的法國豎琴家Marie-Claire Jamet, Catherine Michel等學習。民國82年進入南加大(University of Southern California)攻讀音樂教育碩士,兩年後取得全額講學金繼續攻讀音樂藝術博士。在南加大期間,曾代表台灣參加以色列及美國豎琴大賽。民國88年以優異的成績完成音樂藝術博士學位並由校方徵選進入美國榮譽音樂協會,同年也在美國豎琴協會比賽中得獎。回台灣後曾經擔任台北市立交響樂團客席豎琴及台北豎琴家聯盟理事長,每年定期在國家音樂廳舉辦慈善音樂會將音樂散佈到社會的每一個角落。除此之外,也任教於國立台灣藝術大學、大安社區大學並在課餘之時投入彩霞教育基金會為育幼院及偏遠地區兒童的音樂教育深耕。
German Philosopher once said, “ Life without music is a mistake” I am glad that my life was not a mistake ever since I was young. My musical journey starts with when I was five years old. My mother took me to a private home for piano lessons every week. After few years of studies, my teacher suggested me to enter a specialized music school that offered many talents teens to study music. I passed the entrance exams and began my three years of serious classical music learning there. During that time, the school requires every piano major to minor a second instrument, so I chose harp as my second instrument. I felt in love with the harp and soon I was double majored both piano and the harp.
Going to abroad to study music is always a dream for every music students in Taiwan, so I asked my parents if they could support me to study in the US. I was lucky to be accepted by the Los Angles County High School for the Arts and continued my music study. During that time I was invited to perform throughout southern California and won the Young Artist Competition.
In 1988, I graduated from LACHSA, and continued my study in Indiana University with world-renowned harpist Susann McDonald. During my college years, I was busy with orchestra performances and was invited to play at the World Harp Congress in Paris and spent my summer in Europe.
After college, I returned to California and support myself by working as a Montessori teacher and continuing playing the harp in many different events throughout southern California. I love working with kids, so I decided to go back to school and perused my graduate study in music education in University of Southern California. I was able to learn many different teaching methods for students in different ages. Two years later, I continued my Doctoral study at USC.
After finishing my doctoral study, I had returned to Taiwan because my family reason. I continued performing as a harpist with Taipei Symphony Orchestra and involving with chamber ensembles with concerts at National Music Hall. Nevertheless, teaching is always a very important part in my life. I am now teaching at National Taiwan University for the Arts. Besides teaching, I am also helping disadvantaged children and elderly people getting music education through Rosyclouds Foundation.
More information please click in who’s who: 1407. Cindy Chen 陳欣意