47. Irene Lee 李智惠, Soprano/2014/10

Irene Lee 李智惠, Soprano

Irene Lee, is a composer, soprano, performer, and voice teacher. She attended Marines College of Music in New York City and went to graduate school at the Manhattan School of Music in New York City. Her previ¬ous voice teachers include Antonio Lavanne from Mannes College, Rose Bampton from the Juilliard School of Music, and Betty Allen and Linda Owen from the Manhattan School of Music.

Irene Lee has performed her own compositions in Taiwan, Toronto, Los Angeles, Miami, Binghamton, Williamsburg, Houston, Hawaii, Washington, D.C., New York City, New Jersey, St. Louis, Connell University, Uni-versity of Massachusetts, Los Angeles and Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital in New York City. She sang, as a soloist, Schubert’s Mass in G major with the New Jersey Youth Symphony and its choir along with the United Methodist’s Church’s choir. Irene Lee also sang Messiah by Handel with the RCCC Orchestra and choir. She performed at Senator Torricelli’s and Congressman Scott Garrett’s fundraisers, the 13th Annual Conference for Pacific Basin Finance Economic, and also at NJPAC in 2005. Irene Lee and Cho-Liang Lin performed her composition “The Light of Hope” at NJPAC (a concert hall just like Lincoln center). She is invited to perform with Kao-Hsiung Orchestra for 228 concert in 2008.

李智惠,作曲家、女高音、聲樂教師,在紐約Marines College進修和曼哈頓音樂學 院硏究所。她在美加各地表演自己的作品,2005年也和林昭亮同台表演她的作品“ 希望之光”。2008年她受邀和高雄交響樂團在228追思會演出,她的作品反映台灣人 和台美人生活。作品包括:媽媽的祈禱、我的爸爸、台灣太太、爸爸的相片、溫情 滿懷、慈悲的天父、男孩的戲夢、華爾茲、恰恰恰!、牽手走向幸福、感謝!感謝!、 傳福音的賞賜是什咪?希望的光芒一(連加恩醫生的故事)、牽掛、這首歌是爲你寫 的、台灣之王一(王建民棒球的故事)、阿財之歌(三部曲)、美麗國家、台灣、我心愛 的國家、孩子們一(黃至成醫生的故事)、真美的百合、讚美聖恩無限、祈禱2-28、蝴 蝶的命運(蝴蝶的奮鬥如台灣的處境)、我欲飛、覺醒765、滿月成績單、百日成績單、 台灣向前行、野草莓……


For more bio-information, please click link in who’s who: 1110.   Irene Lee 李智惠