162. 聖地牙哥台灣中心開幕典禮與慶祝音樂會/Taiwanese American Community Center Grand Opening Celebration

Taiwanese American Community Center Grand Opening Celebration

Edited by the Taiwanese American Community Center of San Diego

TACC Director Ted Fan, TADSD President Kun-Mu Chen & Steven Hadley conduct ribbon cutting ceremony

The grand opening of the Taiwanese American Community Center of San Diego permanent site was held in the afternoon of September 19th, Saturday, over 300 people attended this momentous event. KFMB TV news anchor woman Marcella Lee and TAFSD young professional group leader Walter Chung were co-MC
of the ceremony. At 2 PM, in front of the building, the exuberant drumbeats of Taiwan Center’s Naruwan Taiko Club kicked off the celebration. After the lively drumming performance, TAFSD president Professor Kun-Mu Chen delivered a welcoming speech. The outdoor ceremony was concluded with the ribbon cutting conducted jointly by President Chen, TACC executive director Ted Fan and Council woman Donna Frye’s chief of staff Steven Hadley.

Inside the center, people toured the facility and enjoyed sumptuous food. At 3:30 PM, Indoor ceremony started with a welcoming speech by Director Ted Fan. It was followed by the presentation of a plaque to Dr. Ming Wu and Dr. Winston Lue for their tremendous effort in the remodeling of the building. Two outstanding Taiwanese American musicians, pianist Julie Wong and soprano Irene Lee gave stellar perfor­mances for the grand opening special concert.

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Excerpt from San Diego Taiwanese American Foundation and Taiwan Center YAM Quarterly, Volume 11, Issue 3, Autumn