108. 424 Assassination Attempt /1970/4/24 January 15, 2016 Admin3 Photos of Activities 黃文雄刺蔣經國未遂被逮捕 2. On newspaper 3. On newspaper 4. Arrested 5. Charged 6. 地點 7. 地圖 8. 同鄉的支持 9. 除暴義舉 10. 傑出校友 Related Posts:884. 緬懷我摯愛的父親吳聖麒 | 08/2023910. Carnegie Hero Fund Commission - John Cheng and…384. A Year-end Message from the Founding Director…875. 台裔美籍作家徐華剖析成長歷程 自傳榮獲普立茲獎 | 05/2023893. Albert Chen(陳敏祐) to receive 2023 Sachem Award | 12/2023