1309. 晨曦歌詠 Praise at Dawn/吳英俊/1994


Author Preface

The inspiration for Praise at Dawn came from Psalm 92:1-2: “O Lord, how good it is to offer gratitude to You. O Most High, how beautiful it is to make music to you. At dawn, I proclaim Your eternal love. At night, I praise Your unchangeable faith.” This inspiration from God has prompted me to stand up before a multitude of people and glorify His name. In dependence upon the power that comes from God alone, I have attempted to apply the techniques of composition acquired from much study and research to the production of these choral pieces.

I have boldly selected Psalms from the Bible as motifs (lyrics) for my compositions. Without hesitation, I freely admit that during the last four years, the more I worked on these compositions the more I grew to appreciate the Psalms. Despite many technical dilemmas and feelings of loneliness God’s strength has triumphed over my human weakness so that I have been able to overcome the challenges that I have encountered (I have never been left in the valley of despond). The Spirit of God has urged me on: “Do not retreat. Trust. With perseverance, you will complete the work. And, as a result, many people will eventually be enabled to praise Me.” The voice of God constantly guided me as I sought to exercise my creativity. I had only to think of how this choral collection might be used of God to lead His people in the worship of God in order to quickly deal with any of the frustrations that arose in the work of composition. As soon as a lyric would come to mind I promptly recorded it. Numerous revisions frequently required me to stay up late into the night.

I am sincerely thankful to God and to many fellow musicians who have encouraged me. The work is now completed. Hallelujah!

The primary objectives and the leading characteristics of Praise at Dawn are:

* Through the Psalms an earnest gratitude to God is expressed. By giving these a musical rendition, the composer seeks to share something of the odyssey of his own personal faith.

* Through the Psalms of King David the sincere reader comes to know God in a very intimate fashion. Moreover, through the Hymns in the Psalms, the reader can reach the lofty goal of truly praising God in an ultimate way.

* With the best known Scriptural themes systematically interwoven in melodies, the composer has made an attempt to explore a frontier rarely investigated by other composers of sacred music from a Chinese ethnic background (The contents include praise, proclamation, aspiration, comfort, penitence, and conversion.)

* With the vivid, passionate and forceful rhythm of American sacred music injected into the lyric ideals of the Asians, these choral pieces evoke a nostalgic feeling toward the Taiwanese homeland.

For several decades now (with the constant encouragement of my parents who were called to be with the Lord) I have sought to devote my entire life to the art of choral music. I am determined now more than ever before to delve even deeper into the rich possibilities of sacred music. Previously, I have published two collections entitled Lift Up My Eyes Unto The Hills and Rhythm of Life. Praise at Dawn is a new collection of choral pieces dedicated to my friends in sacred music, who have consistently treated me with unfailing love.

I am very much indebted to several dear colleagues who have graciously assisted me in the completion of this book:

The Reverend Robert Marshall for English proofreading, Miss Jane Liang for English translation, Mrs. Yen-Mei Huang Chang for writing the lyrics.The Reverend Samuel Kao and my darling wife Tammy Liang for proofreading the Chinese and the Taiwanese lyrics.

In addition, special thanks go to. Dr. Richard Lin, Prof.Mao-Sheng Chen, Prof. Chih-Ming Yeh and Elder Albert Che Hsiung Wu for taking time in the midst of very busy schedules to write prefaces. It is my sincere hope that this collection will prove to be of great service to many Taiwanese and Chinese churches. In addition, I hope that the exercise of my musical gifts will prove to be a fitting and loving tribute to my parents, Elder and Mrs. David Mu-shou Wu who are now in heaven. Finally, I earnestly pray that my life will prove to be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God our Creator.



凌序 – 凌忍揚教授 Dr. Richard Lin

陳序 – 陳茂生主任 Mao Sheng Chen

葉序 – 葉志明理事長 Chih Ming Yeh

吳序 — 吳哲雄理事長 Che Hsiung Wu

自序 一 吳英俊老師 Bach Ying Chun Wu

晨曦歌詠 詩篇92.95.100 1.

Praise at Dawn

耶和華是我的牧者 詩篇23 11.

The Lord is My Shepherd

溪水邊的活命樹 詩篇1 17.

Tree of Life Planted by the Rivers of Water.

我要向山舉目 詩隼121 26.

I will Lift Up My Eyes Unto the Hills

流淚撒種的人有福了 詩篇126 31.

Blessed Are They That Weep and Bear Precious Seeds.

讚美交響詩 詩篇148 39.

Symphony of Praise

住於蒙福之所在 詩篇127.128 49.

Live in The Blessed Land.

重新得力 以賽亞40.42 55.

A Promise for Strength

如鹿渴慕溪水 詩篇42 58.

As a Deer Longs for a Stream of Cool Water

Kyrie 彌撒詞 67.


當專心仰賴耶和華 箴言3:1-12 73.

Trust in the Lord With All of Your Heart

欣慕主的話 詩篇119 80.

Seek the Lord With All of Your Heart

舉起你祈禱的手 吳巴哈作詞 88.

Lift Up Your Prayerful Hands.

主命之歌 黃張嫣媚作詞 89.

Song of Life

諸天宣揚神的榮耀 詩篇19 93.

The Heavens Declare the Glory of the Lord


Donated by Bach Ying-Chun Wu

Posted on 07/2019