1312. 使我成為眾人祝福 Make Me a Blessing/吳英俊/2011


Author Preface

Dear pastoral staff, worship team members and friends of Cedar Music Ministry,

Peace be with you all. May you be filled with God’s abundant grace and ensconced in His fountain of joy. Praise be to God. Since the establishment of Cedar Music Ministry in 2006, God has granted us the opportunity to bring testimony of His unconditional love and grace to various parts of the world; from Argentina to Taiwan, from Malaysia to New Zealand, Australia and to Brazil. This is tangible evidence of God’s work through CMM and our repines to the outpouring of His grace.

In the 5 years that CMM has existed, we’ve faced many trials and difficulties. God comes through and champions for us each and every time! We are blessed that we do not have to fret over the financial health of CMM. It had allowed the ministry to be one minded in it’s pursuit of God’s will for the ministry and to grow more dependent on His guidance. CMM has now grow out of it’s toddler phase and is expanding the ministry to be more global.

The latest body of work from CMM is the cumulation of hard work poured in by music arrangement team work in Taipei and Taiwan Harmony Friends Church. Thanks to their effort, the complicated and tiresome work of music arrangement and recording were accomplished in 3 short months. This body of work is a tangible evidence of what we can accomplish as Christians when we work together for His Glory!

In this new album, there are 10 new songs with differing musical genre; from traditional praise and worship to traditional Chinese, from symphonic to country and jazz, all can be heard in this new collection of songs. The songs are easy to learn and fun to sing. They bring joy to the soul and help prepare the congregation to worship our Lord.

All the songs are inspirations that I had personally received while doing my daily devotion. They are the testament to God’s blessing in my life. Hence, the title, “Make Me A Blessing”. Below, is CMM’s sincere prayer:

Dear Lord, thank you for guiding and building us in the last 5 years. You have shown us that the pursuit of you and serving You are life long commitments. You have built in us strength to overcome this world and have guided us to go into this world to spread your good news. We have opened up doors to the international community, that we may go forth and sow the seeds for you. May we dedicate each song as a loving sacrifice to you. May we share your grace with everyone through this new CD “Make Me A Blessing”. We especially want to thank EFCGA Secretary General Pastor Peter Chen, Evergreen University Prof. Grace Tsyr-En Wu for preface, Dr. Steven Sydney Wu, Dr. Jane Liang, Sydney Music College Chairman Dr. Nelson Po-Yi Wu for English translation& Tammy Liang for score production & revision.

May all glory and honor be unto the omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient God!



『使我成為眾人祝福』封面頁 1

陳牧師中文序 2

陳牧師英文序 3

吳牧師中文序 4

吳牧師英文序 5

作曲家吳英俊中文序 6

作曲家吳英俊英文序 7

作曲家吳英俊小檔案 8

早安!我的主(華台英) 10

早安!我的主【歌曲寫作背景】 12

祢的手!【歌曲寫作背景】 13

祢的手!(華台英) 14

使我成為眾人祝福【歌曲寫作背景】 17

使我成為眾人祝福(華英) 18

使我成為眾人祝福(台英) 20

在高處呼求讚美(華台英) 22

在高處呼求讚美【歌曲寫作背景】 24

快樂相聚讚美主【歌曲寫作背景】 25

快樂相聚讚美主(華台英) 26

將我的愛情獻給你(華台英) 28

將我的愛情獻給你【歌曲寫作背景】 30

5周年宣教感恩活動 31

惟一的愛(華台英) 32

惟一的愛【歌曲寫作背景】 33

依靠上帝,做一個快樂的人(華台英) 34

依靠上帝,做一個快樂的人【歌曲寫作背景】 35

主賜平安你和我(華台英) 36

主賜平安你和我【歌曲寫作背景】 38

擁有耶穌’擁有一切【歌曲寫作背景】 39

擁有耶穌,擁有一切!(華) 40

擁有耶穌,擁有一切!(英) 41

我真的喜歡耶穌!(台) 42

現代聖樂合唱&長笛譜 43

惟_的愛(合唱譜) 44

惟一的愛(Flute Accompaniment) 56

早安!我的主(歌詞篇) 58

祢的手!(歌詞篇) 60

使我成為眾人祝福(歌詞篇) 63

在高處呼求讚美(歌詞篇) 66

快樂相聚讚美主(歌詞篇) 69

將我的愛情獻給你(歌詞篇) 72

惟一的愛(歌詞篇) 75

依靠上帝,做一個快樂的人(歌詞篇) 77

主賜平安你和我(歌詞篇) 79

擁有耶穌’擁有一切(歌詞篇) 81


Author Resume

集作曲家、鋼琴家、指揮家於一身的吳英俊,台灣高雄人。1983加入台北歌劇院,公開演出著名神劇歌劇「彌賽亞」、「以利亞」、「費加洛婚禮」、「魔笛」、「卡門」等,舞台經驗豐富,師承享有台灣「蝴蝶夫人」美譽之稱的呂麗莉教授門下。1989年赴芝加哥音樂學院主修鋼琴演奏,隨蕭邦專家波蘭籍Dr. Paul Hencinsky教授,專研浪漫派演奏法,與Azusa Pacific大學音樂研究所,師事全美名指揮獎得主Dr. Gary Bonner教授,主修管弦、合唱指揮、理論作曲,獲音樂碩士。

吳老師曾任職高雄市資優兒童音樂班鹽埕管弦樂團、文化大學合唱團、洛杉磯之聲合唱團、及基督教馬偕醫院聖樂團指揮與音樂傳道協談;在音樂教學中,學生鋼琴比賽得獎無數,有的更得到兒童和青少年組作曲金牌獎。他的作品以“美啊!咱台灣”、“美麗故鄉蕃薯島”、“愛河幻想曲”、“台灣狂想曲”、“台北跳燈籠”、“龍舞”、“高雄跳燈籠”、“愛河浪漫曲第一號、第二號及”及“雲之組曲”最常被演奏。1998年受世華大會邀請於雪梨教授作曲法,並於雪梨音樂廳發表多首作品,其中“耶和華是我的牧者”、“我要向山舉目”及“流淚撒種的人有福了”等曲更被視為聖樂心靈的傑作。其多樣性作品,常受邀至香港、紐西蘭、馬來西亞、雪梨、新加坡、台灣等多個國家發表演奏及「福音詩歌」巡迴見證,深獲各界好評與喜愛。洛杉磯樂界與Pacific Times評為『一位敬虔又創意多產的台灣巴哈作曲家及宗教音樂演奏家』。現任『香柏樹樂坊』音樂執行長。

Ying-Chun Wu is a celebrated pianist, composer and conductor. He was a vocalist at Opera House of Taipei in 1989. Mr. Wu furthered his study at Chicago Music College and Azusa Pacific University. He studied piano & conducting with the Master Dr. Paul Hencinsky and Dr. Gary Bonner. He conducted Kao-hsiung Philharmonic Orchestra and Children’s Choir and Mackay Hospital Oratorio.

He has an extensive musical works. Some of his more notable pieces are “The Lord is My Shepherd“Lift My Eyes Unto the Hills ” “The Beautiful Hometown Yam Island” “Love River Fantasy ” “Taipei Lantern Fiesta” “Formosa Fantasy ” “Taiwanese Rhapsody ” “Love River Romance No. 1 & 2″ (violin solo) and Dragon Dance”. In 1998 Mr. Wu won the recognition of more than two thousand audience in Sydney with his excellent compositions. He has been invited frequently to Sydney, New Zealand, Singapore , Malaysia and Taiwan to exhibit his works. Pacific Times calls him “A creative and musical Taiwanese composer and conductor. ” He is a music director of Cedar Music Ministries.

聖樂作曲、鋼琴演奏家 吳英俊小檔案 (Knowing about Bach Ying-Chun Wu)






『主的恩典夠我用』、『天門己敞開』、『天門裡傳來的讚美聲』…等現代聖樂合唱曲自2008年於美國、澳洲、紐西蘭、馬來西亞、台灣、音樂宣教佈道讚美演唱演奏及在巴西Sao Paulo南美神學院和阿根廷Buenos Aires拉丁神學院音樂講課&培訓。


Donated by Bach Ying-Chun Wu

Posted on 07/2019