


Our Missions

We are one body of Taiwanese Americans and friends living in the central New Jersey and nearby Pennsylvania area.

We believe in God the creator who is Lord over all, in Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, who came to save the world from sin, and in the Holy Spirit who encourages, loves and unites us as a fellowship of Christians.

We seek to preserve the Biblical teaching that rules over our lives, using our faith to care for our homeland, Taiwan. We strive to be active in the United States, in both the mission of the church and in the work of society.

We genuinely welcome you to join our Christian fellowship. Together, hand in hand and heart to heart, we will nourish each other’s faith, spirit and life. Through the love of God and of our neighbors we will build up a loving church family.





阮誠懇歡迎您來加入阮的行列,做伙手牵手,心連心來提供在信仰上、精神上和生活上之服務, 藉著分享上帝的愛與人間的愛來建造一個溫暖的大家庭 —敎會。

Posted in 2015/01