TAA/New Jersey Chapter (紐澤西台灣同鄉會)









2019 紐澤西台灣同鄉會新春聚會暨年會 TAA-NJ Annual Party January 19th 11 am-4 pm

Dear TAANJ members and friends, 


2019Annual Party is coming, please join us to celebrate the lunar new year. It will be a good time to see your old friends and also to meet new friends. Thanks for your support in 2018, we appreciate seeing you in every activity.

If you would like to volunteer, or to recommend a person, to serve as Board member please let me know before January 12th, 2019.  Please send me the contact information for the potential candidates, and make sure you obtain agreements before sending me the information.   
Also, if you have not registered, please follow the instruction below to reserve your seats ASAP.
Warm regards,
Anderson Sun


Place: Mercer Oaks golf club
Time: 2019 Jan 19th , 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Address: 725 Village Rd W, West Windsor Township, NJ 08550


11:00 – 11:30 Registration
11:30 – 12:00 Annual meeting
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch (Buffet)
13:15 – 14:30 Speaker Lecture
14:30 – 14:40 Group photo
14:40 – 15:30 Magic Show (Fun time!)
15:30 – 16:00 Raffle and lottery

How to Register?

Registration information
Annual Meeting Fees:
✤ Member adult $40
✤ Member student $20
✤ Nonmember adult $45
✤ Nonmember student $25
✤ Child (Age 4-12) $10; free for under age 4.

2019 Membership Due:
✤ Individual $10
✤ Family $20

1. Complete the registration online
★ please visit : https://goo.gl/forms/SXEnHNobFubRzLrW2
2. Make your check payable: TAA-NJ,
Send your check to : P.O. Box 604, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550

-Beside web register, you can also register
-By Email register : taanjusa@gmail.com
-By mail register : P.O. Box 604, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550

If you have any questions, please contact current me at Andersonsun@msn.com or TAA-NJtaanjusa@gmail.com

Dear all,

Due to time conflict, we will reschedule Princeton outreach to 8/12/2018 (Sunday) 10:30 am-12:30 pm. 
從2014年10月開始到現在,一群在紐澤西的台灣青年陣線(Overseas Taiwanese for Democracy, OTD_NJ )成員主導的Princeton 街頭倡議已經邁入第四年囉!

還沒參加過我們Princeton outreach的朋友們,歡迎大家一起來參加,讓更多人看見台灣,聽見台灣的聲音,一起支持台美人的訴求。歡迎大家呼朋引伴!一起來逗熱鬧!

時間是週日 8/12/2018 (Sun) 上午10 點半到12點半,邀請大家一起到Princeton 為台灣發聲。大家的參與和支持對我們很重要!!!

Looking forward to seeing you!

Date: Sunday, August 12th, 2018

Time: 10:30 – 12:30 pm

Location: Palmer Square (40 Nassau St., Princeton, New Jersey 08542)

From: taanj taiwan <taanjusa@gmail.com>
To: TAANJmembers <TAANJmembers@googlegroups.com>
Cc: jennfkao@gmail.com; CWCMF@googlegroups.com
Sent: Saturday, January 7, 2017 6:48 AM
Subject: [TAANJmembers] 2017/1/28 紐澤西台灣同鄉會新春聚會暨年會 TAA-NJ New Year Celebration and Annual Meeting


2017/1/28 紐澤西台灣同鄉會新春聚會暨年會 TAA-NJ New Year Celebration and Annual Meeting
親愛的朋友,又到了一年一度的紐澤西台灣同鄉會年會,誠摯邀請您來參加今年的年會,見見老朋友,認識新朋友,了解這一年來紐澤西台灣同鄉會的大小活動。 今年邀請紐澤西在地的台灣人組織來分享他們的經驗與活動,還有十音合唱團的精彩表演。

Place: Multipurpose Room Cook Student Center, Rutgers University (Address: 59 Biel Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901)

Time: January 28 (Saturday), 11:00 am to 4:00 pm


11:00 – 11:45 Registration and Social
11:45 – 12:15 Annual meeting
12:15 – 13:15 Lunch
13:15 – 14:30 Keynote speeches

– Recent Exciting Events conducted by Chen Wen-Chen Memorial Foundation (陳文成教授紀念基金會理事會會長 劉斌碩)

– Advocacy for Taiwan (Overseas Taiwanese for Democracy and Little OTD, 韓采燕)

– Build Our Taiwanese Community (TANG Jennifer Kao)

14:30 – 15:00 10-Music-Notes Chorus (拾音合唱團)

15:00 – 15:30 Raffle and group photo

Registration information
Annual Meeting Fees:
✤ Member adult $25;
✤ Member student and child (age 5-12) $10;
✤ Nonmember adult $35;
✤ Nonmember student and child (age 5-12) $15

Annual Membership Due:
✤ Individual $10
✤ Family $20

  1. Complete the registration online (★ please visit https://goo.gl/Ldd3Rm)
  2. Make your check payable: TAA-NJ, Send your check to :P.O. Box 604, Princeton Junction, NJ 08550Please contact taanjusa@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Looking forward to seeing you at the Party!!!

Best Regards,

Mark Kao (908-499-3864)

TAA-NJ President


From: taanj taiwan <taanjusa@gmail.com>
To: TAANJmembers <TAANJmembers@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 9, 2016 8:14 AM
Subject: [TAANJmembers] Fwd: [TAC-GNY] 11/12 3pm 邱雅惠會長告別式

Dear Members and Friends, Sad news. Our dear friend 邱雅惠先生於11月4日 驟然過往. 告別式訂於本週六在紐澤西舉行。

地點:Vander Plaat Funeral Home, 257 Godwin Avenue, Wyckoff, New Jersey
Best regards,
Posted in 12/2016