- 1. Mr. John Chiang 江俊輝 in S. CA
- 3. Adopt-A-Highway Program by TAA/Forida
- 2. Meal delivery Project by NATWA/Kansas
- 1. Caring for Soldiers project by NATWA/Kansas
- TaiwaneseAmerican.org
- 亞洲商報 Asia Journal
- MONTHLY NEWSLETTER by Orange County Taiwanese Association
- YAM 季刊 by 聖地牙哥台美基金會及台灣中心
- Taiwanese American Community Newsletter by New York Taiwan Center 紐約台灣會館通訊
- 鄉訊 by San Diego Taiwanese Cultural Association 聖地牙哥台灣同鄉會
- Houston Taiwanese American Journal 休士頓台灣鄉訊 by Taiwanese Association of America in Houston
- Taiwan Daily 美洲台灣日報
- Taiwanus.net 台灣海外網
- 28. 鄭南榕紀念獎
- 27. 王康陸人權獎
- 26. 波士頓台美基金會獎學金 Taiwanese American Foundation of Boston Scholarship Award
- 25. 亞特蘭大台灣同鄉會優秀青年獎學金 Atlanta Taiwanese American Association Scholarship Award
- 24. 舊金山台美菁英協會獎學金 Taiwanese American Professionals, San Francisco Chapter (TAP-SF) SCHOLARSHIP Award
- 23. 美國加州首府沙加緬度台灣文化基金會獎學金 Sacramento Taiwanese Cultural Foundation Scholarship Award
- 22. 北美台灣人醫師協會基金會獎學金 North American Taiwanese Medical Association (NATMA) FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP Award
- 21. 北美彰化同鄉會-楊信獎學金
- 20. 陳文成獎學金 Professor Chen Wen-Chen’s Scholarship Award
- 19. The Taiwanese American Charity and Education Association SCHOLARSHIP Award 台美慈善教協獎學金
- 18. 北澤西台灣同鄉會獎學金 Taiwanese Association of America Northern New Jersey Chapter (TAA-NNJ) SCHOLARSHIP Award
- 17. 休士頓台灣人傳統基金會獎學金 Taiwanese American Heritage Scholarship Award / Houston
- 16. 傅康平紀念獎學金 Dr. K. P. Fu memorial scholarship Award
- 15. NATWA Single-Mother-Student Scholarship Award
- 14. North America Taiwanese Women’s Association (NATWA) Community Scholarship Award
- 13. NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Research Award 北美洲台灣人教授協會廖述宗教授研究獎金
- 12. NATPA Professor Liao Shutsung Memorial Award 北美洲台灣人教授協會廖述宗教授紀念獎
- 11. 台美人社區獎學金/紐澤西 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Awards / Taiwanese Association of America – New Jersey Chapter
- 10. 台美人社區獎學金/明尼蘇達 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Awards / Taiwanese Association of America – Minnesota Chapter
- 9. Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Awards / Taiwanese Heritage Society of Houston, TX 台美人社區獎學金/休士頓
- 8. 台美人社區獎學金/WATAA Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Awards / Windsor Area Taiwanese American Association
- 7. 台美人社區獎學金/大西雅圖區 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Awards / Greater Seattle
- 6. 台美人社區獎學金/夏威夷 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Awards / TAA-Hawaii
- 5. 台美人社區獎學金/TACL OCTA Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Awards / TACL OCTA(Orange County)
- 4. 台美人社區獎學金/TACL 洛杉磯Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Awards / TACL-LA
- 3. 台美人社區獎學金/NATWA-堪薩斯 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Awards / NATWA – KS
- 2. 台美人社區獎學金/大費城區 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Awards / Greater Philadelphia
- 1. 台美人社區獎學金/大華府區 Taiwanese American Community Scholarship Awards / Greater Washington D.C.
- 224. 被列入黑名單/林俊義/2015/03
- 106. Political Activities of Taiwanese Americans : 2, 中華民國的黑名單(Black List of Republic of China in Taiwan)/何文亮、莊峻華/2015/02
- Taiwan Tribune, 1st issue~2357 issue, 1981/07/31~2011/09/30 / 台灣公論報 第一期到第2357期, 1981/07/31~2011/09/30
- 66. 南加州同鄉會組團回台 – 1984突破黑名單 / 謝清志/2014/11
- 華聲報 Asia Today
- Pacific Times 太平洋時報
- 台灣公論報 Taiwan Tribune
- 1. 休士頓台灣語言學校 The Houston Taiwanese School of Language and Culture