North America Taiwanese Women’s Association (NATWA)
北美洲台灣婦女會(North America Taiwanese Women’s Association),簡稱 NATWA(揶 大),係一非營利性的團體,於一九八八年三月在洛杉磯創會。由近四十位與會者公推 張富美、吳秀惠為第一任正副會長。旋即起草章程,並確定宗旨如下:
1 、喚醒女性意識,確保女性尊嚴。
2 、反對性別歧視,促進兩性平等。
3 、發揮女性才能,參與公共決策。
4 、弘揚人權民主,開創台灣新局。
5 、聯合全球婦女,致力世界和平。
凡台灣婦女只要赞同以上宗旨,均歡迎入會。北美洲跨蓋美加兩國,因幅員廣大,遂分 七個地區,選出理事,負貴聯絡、執行、督促等職貴。目前有十五個分會,十九個工作 小組及五個特別活動計釗。每年四月中旬舉行年會,十月中旬召開年中理事會,除討論 會務外,並訓練幹部。
NATWA從一九九一年開始製作月曆,精美月曆除了可以增加NATWA的財源以外, 也是向國際友人介紹台灣的歷史、地理、文化及風俗民情的最佳禮物。NATWA每年編 輯會員名冊,並出版二期聯誼通讯和簡報,是NATWA組織內最重要的刊物。
The North America Taiwanese Women’s Association (NATWA) was founded in Los Angeles in 1988 as a non-profit organization. The missions of NATWA are as follows:
1. To evoke a sense of self-esteem and enhance women’s dignity
2. To oppose gender discrimination and promote gender equality
3. To fully develop women’s potential and encourage their participation in public affairs
4. To contribute to the advancement of human rights and democratic development in Taiwan
5. To reach out and work with women’s organizations worldwide to promote peace for all
Women of all ages who embrace these goals are welcome to join. NATWA has members throughout the United States and Canada. It is divided into seven regions, and currently there are fifteen local chapters. In addition to the annual convention in April, NATWA also holds a board meeting and leadership training camp in October.
Starting in 1991, NATWA has been publishing the “NATWA Calendars”. With a calendar committee overseeing the design and publication; the calendars are for the purpose of introducing our international friends to Taiwanese history, geography, culture and customs. NATWA calendars make beautiful and meaningful presents. In addition to the calendar, NATWA also publishes a membership directory, two semi-annual NATWA magazines and several newsletters annually.
Organization Website: http://www.natwa.com
- 1. North America Taiwanese Women’s Association (NATWA) 北美洲台灣婦女會(總會)
- 2. Arizona Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會亞利桑那分會
- 3. Boston Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會波士頓分會
- 4. Detroit Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會底特律分會
- 5. Greater San Diego Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會聖地牙哥分會
- 6. Hawaii Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會夏威夷分會
- 7. Kansas Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會堪薩斯分會
- 8. Louisiana Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會路易西安那分會
- 9. New Jersey Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會紐澤西分會
- 10. New York Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會紐約分會
- 11. Northern California Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會北加分會
- 12. Oregon/South West Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會俄勒岡/西南華盛頓分會
- 13. Ohio Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會俄亥俄分會
- 14. Southern California Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會南加分會
- 15. St. Louis Chapter / NATWA 北美洲台灣婦女會聖路易分會
- 16. NATWA II 北美洲台灣婦女會第二代